Lewis & Clark hosts Social Justice Symposium
Open gallery
The Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling will host its first annual Social Justice Symposium this spring on Saturday, April 21st. Graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni and community partners are encouraged to attend.
This day-long event will provide an opportunity for practitioners in the fields of education and counseling to join together and discuss emergent and ongoing issues found in their work and in their communities. “We are looking forward to coming together as faculty and students to honor alumni and deepen connections with community partners,” said Teresa McDowell, chair of the Counseling Psychology department. “The symposium epitomizes what the Graduate School is all about by focusing on our collective work as teachers, clinicians, leaders, and activists at the front lines of creating a more just society.”
The event will include facilitated group and panel discussions, poster sessions, and breakout workshops.
“The variety of presentation formats will provide for rich conversations among the range of professionals and students in attendance,” said Kimberly Campbell, chair of the Teacher Education department. “My hope is that it will be informative, but that it will also celebrate and sustain the important work that our students and graduates are called to do.”
Interested in presenting?
We are currently accepting proposals for round table and poster presentations from students, alumni, faculty, staff and community partners. Learn more here
Morning workshops will include sessions on Body Politics, Social Justice and Addiction, Social Justice in K-12 Education, Trans and Gender Non-Conformity, and more. In the afternoon, a panel of educators, counselors and educational administrators will discuss Responding to Hate Speech in Professional Settings, Trauma-Informed Care in Classrooms and Clinics, and Schools in the Time of Trump.
“This event speaks to the Graduate School’s most important values—our commitment to social justice in the professional fields we serve, our collective engagement in this effort with community partners, and our belief in the extraordinary impact of our graduates,” said Scott Fletcher, dean of the Graduate School. “I know it will be a wonderful opportunity to think deeply, to build bridges, and to honor the achievements of our alumni.”
To view more details about the Symposium and RSVP online, visit the event webpage.
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Center for Community Engagement
Lewis & Clark
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Portland OR 97219