Other Services
Campus Map
The Lewis & Clark Campus Map is available online.
Computer Lab Access (York Graduate Center)
- The Graduate Computer Lab is located in YGC 118 and houses 20 PC computers, a printer, and a multi-feed scanner. This lab can be accessed with a valid Graduate School ID card available from Campus Safety. This lab is open daily from 7:00am to 11:00pm except during scheduled classes.
- The Open Computer Lab is located in York Commons (YGC 110) and houses eight computers, a printer, a copier, and a scanner. Copy cards are available at the Registrar’s Office, Rogers 301.
- Graduate students may also use computers in the Dubach Computer Lab located on the second floor of Templeton Student Center.Computers are also available in Watzek Library 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- For information regarding printing on campus, click here.
Watzek Library Book Delivery and Drop Service
Graduate students may have library materials delivered directly to York Graduate Center Commons - on the white book case, next to the microwave ovens. Find an item using the library catalog, click the “Request” button and follow the instructions.
Library materials may be returned to Watzek Library by placing items in the book drop located in the York Commons. Materials left in the drop box are picked up by library staff once per day, Monday through Friday. For more information, please contact Watzek Library.
Quiet Room
Lost & Found
Items are collected from Rogers Hall and York Graduate Center daily are retained at the Registrar’s Office (Rogers Hall, room 301) for one month. Unclaimed items are then taken to Campus Safety which is open 24 hours.
Animals on the Graduate Campus
Graduate school policy does not permit bringing animals to the Graduate campus. Some people are allergic, afraid of animals for have some religious or other reason to keep away from animals. Please respect this policy.
Administrative Services is located in room 214 of Rogers Hall on the Graduate Campus.
MSC: 93
email gradops@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-6016
fax 503-768-6005
Director Gena Perrine
Administrative Services
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219