Business Services
The Finance and Operations team is the Graduate School’s connection to the College’s Business Office. Please contact the Director if you have any questions regarding accounts payable, travel and entertainment reimbursements, or other business related questions.
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable disburses payments to vendors, staff and students. Payments are processed once per week. Requests received by Noon on Fridays are available the following Friday after Noon. Invoices are paid per the vendor terms when due. Complete check requests under $50 that are signed by the budget manager can be taken directly to Student and Departmental Account Service for cash reimbursement.
Employee Forms
Per Diem Travel & Reimbursement Expense Report Form
Requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 60 days of the date of the expenditure. Please attach all original receipts to the form.
Electronic Reimbursements Sign Up
Sign up in WebAdvisor to have your expense reimbursement delivered via electronic deposit.
Other Business Office Information and Forms
Forms include Independent Contractor Checklist, W-9 and Object Code Listing
Insurance Certificate Request Forms
Please contact for request forms, x6044.
Administrative Services is located in room 214 of Rogers Hall on the Graduate Campus.
MSC: 93
voice 503-768-6016
fax 503-768-6005
Director Gena Perrine
Administrative Services
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219