K-12 Career and Licensing Services

K-12 Career and Licensing Services (ECLS) offers job search and license advising to teacher education, school counseling, school psychology, and educational administration students and alumni.

Request an Appointment

 Finding a Job, USA or Internationally

  • Individual and group advising on searching for jobs in PK-12 education
  • Class time focusing on supporting you as you move into your career
  • On-campus networking events with school districts

Applying for a License or Endorsement

  • Support for and advising on Oregon (TSPC) and out-of-state licensing 
  • Individualized instructions for applying to the Oregon TSPC for licenses
  • Class time focusing on the licensing process

Clinical Practice Registration

  • Required of all education license and endorsement candidates
  • Must be completed prior to first contact with PK-12 students

Testing and edTPA Requirements and Supports

  • Detailed information on required tests and assessments
  • Class time detailing test and assessment requirements
  • Links to on- and off-campus support